Varicose Veins

When your veins become swollen, dilated, and overfilled with blood, varicose veins, also known as varicose or varicosities, develop. Varicose veins are swollen, elevated veins that are bluish-purple or red in appearance. They are frequently excruciating. The illness is extremely frequent, particularly among women. Varicose veins affect about a quarter of all individuals. Varicose veins most commonly develop in the lower legs.

Symptoms :

Varicose veins are identified by a twisted, blue or purple vein just beneath the skin's surface. Among the signs and symptoms are:

  • Veins that bulge: Blue or purple veins are twisted, bulging, rope-like veins. On your legs, ankles, and feet, they appear just beneath the skin's surface. They have the ability to form clusters. Spider veins (tiny red or blue lines) may emerge nearby.
  • Fatigued, heavy, or sluggish legs: Leg muscles, especially after physical exertion, may feel tired, heavy, or slow. Itching may occur in the area surrounding varicose veins.
  • Pain: Legs, especially behind the knees, may be uncomfortable, achy, or sore. Muscle cramps are a possibility.
  • Swelling and throbbing: Swelling and throbbing might occur in your legs, ankles, and feet.
  • Skin discolorations and ulcers: Varicose veins can cause dark spots on the skin if left untreated..



  • Local Anesthesia
  • Pinhole Entry
  • Glue/Laser Therapy
  • Resume Work on same day
  • Comprehensive Diagnosis

What to expect:

  • No cut
  • 30 min procedure
  • Painless treatment
  • Faster recovery
  • USFDA approved
  • Zero cost EMI
  • Highly experienced doctors
  • Dedicated staff to take care during the hospital stay